If you’re an experienced ATV owner, you’re used to making regular repairs to your ATV and knowing the best ways to keep it working. Whether it’s knowing where to buy trailer wheels online so you can transport it or how best to winterize your ATV to minimize the damage, you know how to solve every possible issue.

However, for newer ATV owners, it might be less clear how weather can affect an ATV’s performance, and that means figuring out how to care for your ATV through constants, like regular use and the weather.

If you’re a new ATV owner, here are some tips for caring for your ATV through every kind of weather:

Check Your Gear

ATVs are naturally robust; to manage well through every type of terrain, they have to be water-resistant, shock resistant, and otherwise durable enough to stand up to any manner of punishment the ground can throw at them.

With that being said, nothing is immune to damage of any kind. Especially when preparing your ATV for summer, it’s essential to check your machine for loose wiring, cracks in the body, and damage to the tires that might have occurred during the winter. Catching these before your first ride will result in less damage in the long run and lead to a safer, more enjoyable season.

Avoid Extremes

ATV tires are designed to be durable, but fundamentally, they’re still tires. That means that you should avoid riding long distances in extremely high heat unless you’re using tires specially designed for such conditions. The reasoning for this is what it does to the pressure in your tires. Where wintertime causes tires to lose air over time, heat can cause a tire to expand and even explode, leading to what could be an expensive repair in the process.

Keep to Designated Areas

It’s tempting to take ATVs into uncharted territory because of their overall reputation for durability, but this would be a mistake in the long run. In the summer, when the weather is wetter, you could find yourself caught in a river or other body of water with a flooded engine if you go off-trail. Despite being water-resistant, ATVs aren’t designed to float and, consequently, are subject to the same problems other vehicles face when submerged.

For more weather-related tips for your ATV, or to buy tires for your ATVs online, call Tires4That today!
