With restrictions lifting on golf courses opening during the COVID-19 crisis, the time has come to go back out and work on our golf game. Once the clubs are packed, your customers’ parties are booked, and tee times are arranged, you want to make sure that your customer's time spent on the course goes as smoothly as possible. An occasionally overlooked area that deserves attention is the state of your golf cart's tires. Golfers spend much of their time in their golf carts, and making sure that the carts are in prime working condition is a high priority. Here are some signs to look for when deciding if it is time to change the tires on your golf cart.

Worn Treads on Your Tires

Typically, golf cart tires will last around two to three years before needing replacements. Inspecting each tire for wear and tear begins with checking the treads on each tire. If the treads are getting thinner, it is time to consider replacements. If metallic threads are showing through the tires, do not operate that cart until the tires have been replaced.

Trouble Maintaining Speed

If you are having trouble getting the golf cart up to speed and maintaining that speed, it may be time to change your tires. Check your tires for any leaks or punctures, and bring out your pressure gauge to check the tire pressure. All of these factors could have a direct impact on your tires and their ability to carry golfers to the next hole on the course safely.

Cracks in the Rubber

If you start seeing cracks in the rubber of your tires, it may be time to consider replacements. Cracks by themselves may seem like a minor inconvenience; however, if they are left unaddressed, they can grow in size over time. As they grow, the tire is more susceptible to leaking air, tire pressure, and catastrophic events such as popping.

With golf courses reopening to the public, the golfers' safety is still the highest priority. We encourage anyone who goes golfing during this time to maintain social distancing. However, ensuring that all of your golf carts have tires that are ready and raring to go is one necessary step towards reaching a sense of normalcy again.

If you are in the market for new tires for golf carts, visit us online today and look through Tires4That's fully stocked inventory. Are you also looking for UTV tires? We also carry a full assortment of on